What is the Ideal Lip?
Facial balancing in Orange County is a hot topic. So what is the best lip filler Orange County? When it comes to achieving proper proportions and facial harmony, the most important factor to consider with a lip augmentation is to maintain overall facial balance and not overpower the face. The lips should not be the central focal point of the face but rather complement the other natural highlights of one’s facial features.
As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder i.e. beauty is subjective. The perception of a beautiful or attractive individual is influenced by various factors including one’s culture, the presence of characteristics that are traditionally associated with healthy biomarkers, and individual backgrounds.
However, according to clinical studies and the scientific literature, an attractive lip tends to have certain preferred features. A 2017 study published in the Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery surveyed over 1,000 individuals across 35 countries, revealing that symmetry is the primary factor for attractive lips. Sixty percent of participants favored a 1:1 ratio between the upper and lower lips as the most appealing shape.
The second most popular shape was a 1/3 to 2/3 ratio between the upper and lower lips. Additional appealing features included a well-defined cupid’s bow and philtral column. However, like all aesthetic trends, these preferences may evolve over time.
What Can Lip Fillers Accomplish?
Various factors including genetic factors, smoking, sun exposure, and repetitive muscle movement can contribute to the loss of volume in the lower face, especially the body of the lip and surrounding lip tissue.
This volume loss and repetitive activity of the lip muscles, orbicularis oris, contributes to a thinner appearance of the lip and potential development of lip lines and wrinkles. As the wrinkles continue to repeatedly form, the etching of these lip lines forms fine lines as well as loss of support to the area, especially the corners of the mouth and marionette lines.
A lip augmentation with dermal fillers can accomplish many things to improve this. Among these are:
- Improve the appearance of naturally thin lips
- Restore volume loss due to aging
- Improve the definition of the lip border
- Diminish lip wrinkles (“smokers lines”)
- Correct downturned corners of the mouth
- Restore philtral columns and the upper lip
- Improve lip asymmetries
- Soften vertical lip lines
What Type of Lip Fillers should I get?
There are essentially two types of dermal fillers for lip filler – hyaluronic acid based and non-hyaluronic acid based. The best fillers for lip augmentation are fda approved hyaluronic acid HA fillers which contain hyaluronic acid – a naturally occurring substance/ sugar molecule – that is formulated in a manner that has a gel-like substance (e.g. Juvederm Newport Beach, Restylane, RHA) which the skin retain. Within the realm of hyaluronic based dermal fillers, each filler has individual properties that are better suited for certain lip types based on your baseline anatomy and individual goals. Thus, it is important to consult with an aesthetic specialist so that they can help guide you in deciding what is the best lip filler for your lips shape.
The most commonly used hyaluronic acid fillers for lip augmentation and adding volume to the lips include: RHA, Juvederm XC, Juvederm Newport Beach Volbella, Juvederm Ultra Plus, Restylane, and Restylane Kysse. Each dermal filler has unique properties which allow for a personalized correction depending upon the desired aesthetic result. Additional recommendations for the lower face include treatment of nasolabial folds. These filler options generally last around 1-1.5 years and have the added safety of being able to be dissolved if need be.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Are lip filler injections painful?
Generally, no. A lip augmentation with dermal filler is performed in the office. Our injection experts use local anesthetic whether it be topical numbing cream or a local nerve block. Once appropriately numbed, there is very little discomfort with the cosmetic treatment. At E&G Aesthetic Institute, these injections are performed with an ultra fine needle or micro-cannula which minimizes discomfort, swelling, and risks of bruising.
What will I look like after Lip filler?
Expect some swelling! After your lip filler procedure, expect some minor swelling of your lips, particularly during the initial 24 hours. Swelling may linger for 1 to 3 days, depending upon the individual. E&G Aesthetic Institute injection specialists take extra care with their technique which results in the best lip filler Orange County. Most patients being able to resume regular activity that same day (with the exception of a recommended no strenuous exercise for 3 days).
For patients requesting a more bold, fuller lips or a dramatic lip augmentation, it is generally recommended that this be approached over a series of 2 or more treatment sessions spaced at least 4 weeks apart. This helps minimize and avoid looking “overdone” or overstretching the tissue.
What are the risks of lip filler?
Generally speaking, lip fillers are considered a safe procedure. With that being said, there are risks of complications as there are with any medical procedure including the best lip filler Orange County. All patients can expect temporary swelling following the treatment. This swelling typically resolves in 1 to 3 days.
While E&G Aesthetic Institute prides itself on having a history of little to no bruising post lip filler, there is a small risk of a bruise. To minimize bruising risks, patients are advised to avoid any blood thinning agents (aspirin, ibuprofen, Vitamin E, herbal supplements) 7-10 days prior to their cosmetic procedure. Additionally, there is a small risk of the development of nodules or lumpiness following the procedure. Usually any lumpiness self-resolved within 2 weeks. At E&G Aesthetic Institute or injection specialists are trained in the latest techniques in plastic and cosmetic surgery minimizing this risk.
Other risks inherent to a lip augmentation with lip filler in Newport Beach are the risk of having a cold sore breakout. This can be mitigated by informing your injector at your appointment (or beforehand) so that he/she can prescribe you the proper antiviral medication prior to the treatment.
A rare, but possible complication following injections is a vascular occlusion which can occur if filler is inadvertently placed into the blood supply to the lip and left without treatment. It is therefore important to do your homework prior to treatment and to see a board-certified professional who is highly experienced in lip augmentations.
Expert Lip Filler Injector in Orange County
Lip enhancements to add volume, definition and shape to the lips, especially the oh so feminine Cupid’s Bow are common requests among lip augmentation patients in Orange County. Known for the best lip injections Newport Beach, E&G Aesthetic Institute has extensive experience in providing facial injections geared towards facial balancing and rejuvenation in Orange County having treated thousands of patients.
With our board certified team of aesthetic specialists, our board-certified plastic surgeon and plastic surgery PA-C have an in-depth understanding of the anatomy of the face encouraging long-lasting results.
Scheduling a consultation is the first step to see if lip fillers are right for you. To learn more about expert lip augmentation treatments in Orange County with E&G Aesthetic Institute, contact our Newport Beach office at 949-867-0091 and schedule your no obligation consultation.